Sunday, September 23, 2012

Update for week 2 of the 5 week Challenge

Ending is not Such Sweet Sorrow

 This has been one crazy week.  I still have the desire to exercise, as I did the first week, but life keeps interrupting me.  I still can not make myself a priority in my schedule.   

 With that confession out there.....I was able to get 4 days with 25 minutes of exercising in, but I wouldn't call it quality or quantity. My warm ups were what I call "power cleaning", where I rapid clean house as fast as I can running from on end of the house to the other. (try to picture contestants on a game show trying to win prizes) My resistance training was what ever I could figure out to do at my desk with my hand weights and resistance bands, and a couple times I actually got on the elliptical while helping my daughter study for her spelling, reading and science test. Most of my cool downs and stretching took place in the shower as I was getting ready for church, or after school meetings and baton lessons.  

 The scripture came easy again for me. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of it's own.  Matthew 6:34.  And it was so appropriate for my week.  Next week doesn't look much better.  I have got to make an appointment with the Veterans Administration to get my disability payments straightened out, and call the state tax department to straighten out a clerical error of theirs, since I can't get them on the phone; and fit in 40 plus hours off work  But Friday is the bright spot as my sister-in-law and niece come to visit.  My daughter gets to do the pregame show with the band, so I must stay diligent in the task at hand.....with all this going on...The Word of God has been a marvelous comfort to me, and the exercise would be a great stress release for me, if these distractions wouldn't consume most of my sparse spare time.

 I am so relieved that my faith is in God, and this problem was already worked out.  I am just prone to drop the ball on my end with so much on my plate and taking care of myself is always the first to go.

  For the exercises I have done this week is a chair version of the J.LO until it hurts.....I honestly didn't pay attention to the sets or reps for the 2 days I did them.  I also worked my triceps as I am trying to get rid of my wings on the underside of my arms. ( about 25 sets of 15 in 3 days), while watching a little tv as I was falling asleep, I was doing leg lifts and extensions with the resistance bands for the last and ensuring 15 make sure I got 25 minutes in for the 4 days.   I am praying that my work schedule slows down and I don't have to do more than 40 hours next week.   But, the Lord does know best, and I have given Him my burden.  I can not carry this alone.

  I am so glad the chaos of this week is over and most tasks were completed.   

 Thank you Lord in the safety of this week.  With my distractions and over-whelming schedule, you kept me close to You.   I was able to still be a witness for You in following thru with a commitment I made and ones others made for me. I praise You in showing me mercy this week.  I ask that You show me  the same Mercy next week and I try to fit in even more.  In Jesus' name, I love you.


  1. Hi, I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. I really can sense your love for God. I praise Him for the work that He has done in you! May you continue to grow and may you find the time to get in lots of movement this week. God bless!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I can't appropriately explain the works He has done in me and my family...but I am so glad to know that He is nowhere near finished with me.

      Thank you also for letting me know that someone is reading this (lol) I will use this as more motivation to keep moving this week.
      May God Bless you as well!! Julie

  2. Oh, I love the cleaning the house fast exercise. What a great way to multi-task. Seriously, I'm giving it a try tomorrow :-) I think it is great you are trying to exercise in the midst of daily activities.

  3. Super multi tasking to a new level! WOW! You ARE making the effort and I think as long as we continue to not lose focus and keep on keepin' on....those efforts will all add up! Great job!

  4. I just found your blog through Clare's linky, and I just have to say *WOW*!!! You are doing a super job Julie!!! Well done!!! Keep up the good work sweet sista!!
    ... Looking through the few previous posts you've put up, I have to say I am super impressed - 20lbs loss since July is *fantastic*!!! I have about 60lbs I want to lose, and over the past few years I've only ever been able to lose 15lbs before I get demotivated, maintain for a few weeks ... and then gain most of it back due to eating habits getting slack and/or loss of focus & motivation to exercise. Well done!!! You are inspiring!!!
    Also, I read your comment about your plateau ... I am a lover of all things Jillian Michaels, and she answers questions in one of her podcasts (free on iTunes) from back on the 7/05/11. It is still available, and I would highly recommend it if you can get hold of it ... good listening while laundry folding or cooking/cleaning!! I haven't heard it for a little while but I do know she advocates changing things up, and often, so that your body doesn't get comfortable ... also, she is a *huge* proponent for calorie counting - and including a *high count* once a week to 'kick start' the metabolism ... obviously not *hugely* high, but 1500 rather than 1200. I have learnt *heaps* from her - more than from Clare, though that's kinda understandable as I've only found Clare in the last few months.
    Keep going girl - whether it's just one tiny step forward rather than a leap (as usually desirable, lol!). God is there, and He's rooting for you!!! ... Keeping you in my prayers sweet sista!! Love God Greatly, Larissa x
