Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Even in the little things, I still see God's glory

  It has been some time since I last posted, but have had many thoughts as to good ideas for me to blog about, just not enough time or brain power left at the end of the day.  We have had a crazy busy summer so far, but not too busy to see God's hand at work.

  I had a summer plan that was going to make it the best summer I had had in a long time, little did I know that God had something else in mind for me.  I was going to only be working 4 days from home and have 3 day weekends all summer for beach time, amusement parks and loafing in the pool.  God's plan may have been a little different..I was working 50 hours weeks, traveling again, rainy weather to keep us from the beach, not even time for cleaning the pool.  company planning on visiting then having to cancel, yard sale put on hold endlessly and yet,  I could find His glory all over those changes in my plans.

 Having my son here for the summer is becoming a normal for me, instead of having him the school year now. But this year has been extra special for me.  He has grown into a fine young man who is beginning a wonderful relationship with God. I don't see my little boy anymore. He has participated in a multi-church activity ( Wired)  that lasted a week, and came home saying it was the most powerful week he has ever experienced. Mind you, this week without him was not in my plans, but God's.  I was moved to tears, getting text through out the week telling me how God was speaking to him and then again, when I got to see him and hear about the experience. 

 I had to travel to Florida for work for two weeks, on an assignment I have avoided for over a year.  There were hidden blessings in it too.  I got to take my daughter with me and she got to spend it with her aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents.  I also got the blessing of laughter from my niece.  I realize that I don't have enough fun anymore.  I have taken on a personality that is all work, too serious and not enough play.  What happened to me?

   I have let myself get caught up in this world too much. I have let myself take on the sin of worry and justified it with saying I was just being proactive.  I can be proactive and still make time for fun.

 I took my kids to ride go-karts yesterday, instead of cleaning the house that was neglected the two weeks I was gone and worrying that it was too expensive and I  laughed again.  To God be all the glory of the gift of laughter, of all three of us laughing together.  To God be the glory for making me realize that I need fun in my life and there has to be a balance between work and play.

 So, if you come to my house....I can promise you, it will not be as clean as I would like it to be, but when I do get to it, I will do it for God's glory, not my own.  I can promise you there will be more making of joyful noises under this roof , and we will lift it up as praise to our Father.  I will act silly if that is what makes my children happy and give all the glory to God, for He gives us blessings even the little things ( and in the changes of our plans). 

This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.