Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Even in the little things, I still see God's glory

  It has been some time since I last posted, but have had many thoughts as to good ideas for me to blog about, just not enough time or brain power left at the end of the day.  We have had a crazy busy summer so far, but not too busy to see God's hand at work.

  I had a summer plan that was going to make it the best summer I had had in a long time, little did I know that God had something else in mind for me.  I was going to only be working 4 days from home and have 3 day weekends all summer for beach time, amusement parks and loafing in the pool.  God's plan may have been a little different..I was working 50 hours weeks, traveling again, rainy weather to keep us from the beach, not even time for cleaning the pool.  company planning on visiting then having to cancel, yard sale put on hold endlessly and yet,  I could find His glory all over those changes in my plans.

 Having my son here for the summer is becoming a normal for me, instead of having him the school year now. But this year has been extra special for me.  He has grown into a fine young man who is beginning a wonderful relationship with God. I don't see my little boy anymore. He has participated in a multi-church activity ( Wired)  that lasted a week, and came home saying it was the most powerful week he has ever experienced. Mind you, this week without him was not in my plans, but God's.  I was moved to tears, getting text through out the week telling me how God was speaking to him and then again, when I got to see him and hear about the experience. 

 I had to travel to Florida for work for two weeks, on an assignment I have avoided for over a year.  There were hidden blessings in it too.  I got to take my daughter with me and she got to spend it with her aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents.  I also got the blessing of laughter from my niece.  I realize that I don't have enough fun anymore.  I have taken on a personality that is all work, too serious and not enough play.  What happened to me?

   I have let myself get caught up in this world too much. I have let myself take on the sin of worry and justified it with saying I was just being proactive.  I can be proactive and still make time for fun.

 I took my kids to ride go-karts yesterday, instead of cleaning the house that was neglected the two weeks I was gone and worrying that it was too expensive and I  laughed again.  To God be all the glory of the gift of laughter, of all three of us laughing together.  To God be the glory for making me realize that I need fun in my life and there has to be a balance between work and play.

 So, if you come to my house....I can promise you, it will not be as clean as I would like it to be, but when I do get to it, I will do it for God's glory, not my own.  I can promise you there will be more making of joyful noises under this roof , and we will lift it up as praise to our Father.  I will act silly if that is what makes my children happy and give all the glory to God, for He gives us blessings even the little things ( and in the changes of our plans). 

This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Even in the storms God is still with us

  With all the destruction in these beautiful southern states, God is still here.  He has shown us a small sample of His wrath toward sin in this world.   He uses tragedies to bring his creation closer to Him.  It is so hard to see that in the middle of the storm that beauty that lies ahead.

    I can't imagine the terror that went  through the minds of those in the tornadoes, but on judgment day , some of those people are going to long for just that small amount of terror...on Earth they can cry out to God for His mercy, but once sent  to hell, there is no chance of Mercy or the presence of God.

 Once, I struggled with how God can seem to be so cruel with such horrible deaths, those poor children.  But as the Bible tells us...He is the potter and we are the clay, it is up to Him what He does with us.  With that understand, and having had attempted to do a pottery project and trashing it many times....I understand now.  I have caught myself saying to my kids Bill Cosby's line..." I brought you into this world, I can take you out"  when in reality, it is God's line.

  Our county was based on a foundation of " One nation under God"  because " we are the home of the brave".  Our founding fathers knew how important it is to keep God as our Governor, they gave their lives for it...that is why we are one blessed nation.  As our "leaders" pull God out of everything and are trying to rewrite our history, we have to pray for mercy.  We need to pray to our Sovereign  Lord to change hearts of the enemy, that we, Americans, want Him in our schools, government and homes.  But it has to start a home, teach our children the ways of God or we will lose them to the new teachings of the world.  Once we lose our children, their children will  be lost also and many generations to come.

    I started this post  in May, after the destruction in  northern Alabama and got too busy to finish it....now the drought has started to effect us and our business.  By the Grace of God and a persistent Holy Spirit, I am able to look at our dead grazing and KNOW that God is in control.  I, for once, am not worried where the money will come from to feed the livestock or if we will be able to find a source to buy hay.  We are just in charge of taking care of the animals. They, like us, belong to God and he will provide for all of creation, if it is His will.  

 The Lord has shown me a number of times that in what seems like the worst of times, if I look toward Him, I will be lead out to even better times.  I believe it is Casting Crowns that have the song " What If His People Prayed", that is exactly what needs to be going on right now.   Lord we need you, now!  We need you to change the hearts of people.

         Hell is real.  Heaven is real  and we can't get to Heaven by being "good".   The only way is through Jesus Christ, when we confess our sin, turn away from sinning and believe that He is the only redeemer.  We need to put God first; before this mess our country is in can even begin to get cleaned up; if we don't, these great states are doomed.  How can the USA help clean up other countries when our government is so corrupt  and Anti-God.  We can't clean up our country until we start with our homes.  If one child makes a difference, imagine what a family can do.  We know for a fact one child made a difference that has effected all eternity...Jesus:  he died for all of us.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

At the feet of Jesus....

 One day Jesus is coming back, as much as I  look forward to it, I am nervous.  Have I done enough to please Him?  I know that when I laid my sins down at the cross, I was forgiven, but I am still in for a judgment day.  As Christians are called up,we are held accountable, not for our sins, but,  for the gifts that God has given us here on earth.  You know, like what did we do with our time, money, opportunities and special talents that God bestowed up on us to further His Kingdom with eternal things. 

  I have been re-listening to a cd given to me by my Sunday School teachers, called the BEMA SEAT, a fictional, but pretty theological correct when compared to the Bible, story.  It so strikes a nerve in me.  I am so ashamed that maybe I haven't done enough.  After all that Jesus had given to  me (us) and knowing  that I will have to face Him and answer for my lack of useful utilization of all He has given me. 

  I can't imagine what sadness I would feel if any of my efforts we're worthless in my eternal  account of treasures, for you see, Jesus sees the heart of the matter, our motivation behind what we are doing.  With impure motivation, deeds will not counted  when Jesus burns out the impurities.  I feel like I need to clear something up before I go on....Salvation is not based on works, but works are a fruit of Salvation.  I can't imagine looking in to our Savior's eyes and not getting a   " Well done, my good and faithful servant".  I know that there are going to be crowns given as rewards also, and our glorified body will glow like the stars, the brightness depends on the work we did to grow and strengthen His Kingdom.

 I know there is much more improvement that I need to work on, but I am so thankful that praying for others is just as important to Him as going on mission trips, that supporting mission trips financially is just as much as working in the Kingdom as being in the field myself.  I am so blessed that I am able to financially support different ministries when I can, to donate to food banks, donate to the Red Cross,or help out a neighbor in need.  This, if done in the right frame of heart, stores our riches in Heaven.  

 We all need reminders that our home is not here on Earth....this is just temporary.  We need to be more concerned about our eternal home, than filling our earthly homes with stuff.. I am not saying God doesn't want us to have nice things or a nice home, but that isn't the main reason we are given the abundance we have received.  If we can't handle a little bit, how can God trust us to manage more. 

 One of the things I do to keep myself in check with my stewardship of time, money or activities.....I ask myself, would I want to be doing this if Jesus came right now?  If it is a wasteful use of resource, I go find something else....or I ask myself....Is this glorifying God?  Even with our tv viewing...is this something that strengthens  my bond with God, or makes a small rip in the relationship...We are to glorify God in all we do....in public and in personal time.

 We are all called to do different jobs for our Savior.  Not all of us are called to suffer, not all of us are called to the field,  but we are all called to do something.  Actions speak louder than words and it just maybe we are to be an example through our living to show a difference in a repented life versus and non-repented life.

  I find I am  so hard on myself;  trying to be an example for others, since I am still learning His way myself.  I struggle with knowing  that I have made a public proclamation that I am saved and others have put high expectations on me, not understanding that I am still a sinner by nature and I will still continue to sin until I am taken to Heaven.  I worry that I will tarnish my testimony of how the Grace of God saved me thru the cross, not by my actions and changes in lifestyle. The last thing I want to be is someone who hinders a lost person's way to salvation through my actions.  But scripture reassures me that those who are going to be saved will be, and those who will not be, it won't make a difference.   The Holy Spirit is responsible for the conversion, I am responsible to spread the word of the gospel. 

 Thank you God, for allowing me to still make poor choices and yet, still be saved....sanctification process is just that, a process and not an overnight remedy.  And my job is to continually work towards being sinless and helping others to desire that as well, whether through prayer, helping support missions financially or being in the field or just being a good example to my neighbor. I want to earn my reward of "Well done, My good and faithful servant" and I want to earn my crown to lay at the feet of Jesus.
     Just a side note:  if you are reading this you are already being prayed for,,,,,,    I am looking forward to the day when we all get to Heaven and gather at the feet of Jesus  

  ** if anyone wants a copy of this cd email me your address and I will get one to you.**

       You have left your fist love but remember...Your First Love NEVER left you

Monday, May 16, 2011

Don't leave it on the desk...an emailed shared with me

There was a certain Professor of Religion named Dr. Christianson, a studious man who taught at a small college in the western United States . 

Dr. Christianson taught the required survey course in Christianity at this particular institution. 
Every student was required to take this course their freshman year, regardless of his or her major.

Although Dr. Christianson tried hard to communicate the essence of the gospel in his class, he found that most of his students looked upon the course as nothing but required drudgery.  Despite his best efforts, most students refused to take Christianity seriously.

This year, Dr. Christianson had a special student named Steve.  Steve was only a freshman, but was studying with the intent of going onto seminary for the ministry.  Steve was popular, he was well liked, and he was an imposing physical specimen.  He was now the starting center on the school football team, and was the best student in the professor's class.

One day, Dr. Christianson asked Steve to stay after class so he could talk with him.

"How many push-ups can you do?"

Steve said, "I do about 200 every night."

"200? That's pretty good, Steve," Dr. Christianson said. "Do you think you could do 300?"

Steve replied, "I don't know.... I've never done 300 at a time"

"Do you think you could?" again asked Dr. Christianson.

"Well, I can try," said Steve.

"Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I have a class project in mind and I need you to do about 300
push-ups in sets of ten for this to work.  Can you do it? I need you to
tell me you can do it," said the professor.  

Steve said, "Well... I think I can...yeah, I can do it."

Dr. Christianson said, "Good! I need you to do this on Friday.. Let me explain what I have in mind."

Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of the room.  When class started, the professor pulled out a big box of donuts.  No, these weren't the normal kinds of donuts, they were the extra fancy BIG kind, with cream centers and frosting swirls.  Everyone was pretty excited it was Friday, the last class of the day, and they were going to get an early start on the weekend with a party in Dr. Christianson's class.

Dr. Christianson went to the first girl in the first row and asked, "Cynthia, do you want to have one of these donuts?"

Cynthia said, "Yes."

Dr. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Cynthia can have a donut?"

"Sure!" Steve jumped down from his desk to do a quick ten.  Then Steve again sat in his desk. 
Dr. Christianson put a donut on Cynthia's desk.

Dr. Christianson then went to Joe, the next person, and asked, "Joe, do you want a donut?"

Joe said, "Yes."  Dr. Christianson asked, "Steve would you do ten push-ups so Joe can have a donut?"

Steve did ten push-ups, Joe got a donut.  And so it went, down the first aisle, Steve did ten push-ups for every person before they got their donut.

Walking down the second aisle, Dr. Christianson came to Scott.  Scott was on the basketball team, and in as good condition as Steve.  He was very popular and never lacking for female companionship..

When the professor asked, "Scott do you want a donut?"

Scott's reply was, "Well, can I do my own push-ups?"

Dr. Christianson said, "No, Steve has to do them."

Then Scott said, "Well, I don't want one then."

Dr... Christianson shrugged and then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so Scott can have a donut he doesn't want?"

With perfect obedience Steve started to do ten push-ups.

Scott said, "HEY!  I said I didn't want one!"

Dr.. Christianson said, "Look! This is my classroom, my class, my desks, and these are my donuts. 
Just leave it on the desk if you don't want it."  And he put a donut on Scott's desk.

Now by this time, Steve had begun to slow down a little.  He just stayed on the floor between sets because it took too much effort to be getting up and down.  You could start to see a little perspiration coming out around his brow.

Dr. Christianson started down the third row. Now the students were beginning to get a little angry.  Dr.. Christianson asked Jenny, "Jenny, do you want a donut?"

Sternly, Jenny said, "No."

Then Dr. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten more push-ups so Jenny can have a donut that she doesn't want?"

Steve did ten....Jenny got a donut.

By now, a growing sense of uneasiness filled the room.  The students were beginning to say, "No!" and there were all these uneaten donuts on the desks..

Steve also had to really put forth a lot of extra effort to get these push-ups done for each donut. 
There began to be a small pool of sweat on the floor beneath his face, his arms and brow were beginning to get red because of the physical effort involved.

Dr. Christianson asked Robert, who was the most vocal unbeliever in the class, to watch Steve do each push up to make sure he did the full ten push-ups in a set because he couldn't bear to watch all of Steve's work for all of those uneaten donuts.  He sent Robert over to where Steve was so Robert count the set and watch Steve closely.

Dr. Christianson started down the fourth row..  During his class, however, some students from other classes had wandered in and sat down on the steps along the radiators that ran down the sides of the room.  When the professor realized this, he did a quick count and saw that now there were 34 students in the room. 

He started to worry if Steve would be able to make it.

Dr. Christianson went on to the next person and the next and the next.  Near the end of that row,  Steve was really having a rough time.  He was taking a lot more time to complete each set.

Steve asked Dr. Christianson, "Do I have to make my nose touch on each one?"

Dr. Christianson thought for a moment, "Well, they're your push-ups.  You are in charge now.  You can do them any way that you want."  And Dr. Christianson went on.

A few moments later, Jason, a recent transfer student, came to the room and was about to
come in when all the students yelled in one voice, "NO! Don't come in! Stay out!"

Jason didn't know what was going on.  Steve picked up his head and said, "No, let him come."

Professor Christianson said, "You realize that if Jason comes in you will have to do ten push-ups for him?"

Steve said, "Yes, let him come in.  Give him a donut."

Dr. Christianson said, "Okay, Steve, I'll let you get Jason's out of the way right now.

Jason, do you want a donut?"

Jason, new to the room, hardly knew what was going on.  "Yes," he said, "give me a donut."

"Steve, will you do ten push-ups so that Jason can have a donut?"

Steve did ten push-ups very slowly and with great effort. Jason, bewildered, was handed a donut and sat down.

Dr Christianson finished the fourth row, and then started on those visitors seated by the heaters..  Steve's arms were now shaking with each push-up in a struggle to lift himself against the force of gravity.  By this time sweat was profusely dropping off of his face, there was no sound except his heavy breathing; there was not a dry eye in the room..

The very last two students in the room were two young women, both cheerleaders, and very popular.  Dr. Christianson went to Linda, the second to last, and asked, "Linda, do you want a doughnut?"

Linda said, very sadly, "No, thank you."

Professor Christianson quietly asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Linda can have a donut she doesn't want?"

Grunting from the effort, Steve did ten very slow push-ups for Linda.

Then Dr. Christianson turned to the last girl, Susan.  "Susan, do you want a donut?"

Susan, with tears flowing down her face, began to cry.  "Dr. Christianson, why can't I help

Dr Christianson, with tears of his own, said, "No, Steve has to do it alone; I have given him this task and he is in charge of seeing that everyone has an opportunity for a donut whether they want it or not..  When I decided to have a party this last day of class, I looked at my grade book.  Steve here is the only student with a perfect grade.  Everyone else has failed a test, skipped class, or offered me inferior work.  Steve told me that in football practice, when a player messes up he must do push-ups. I told Steve that none of you could come to my party unless he paid the price by doing your push-ups.  He and I made a deal for your sakes."

"Steve, would you do ten push-ups so Susan can have a donut?"

As Steve very slowly finished his last push-up, with the understanding that he had accomplished all that was required of him, having done 350 push-ups, his arms buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor.
Dr. Christianson turned to the room and said, "And so it was, that our Savior, Jesus Christ, on the cross, plead to the Father, 'Into thy hands I commend my spirit.'  With the understanding that He had done everything that was required of Him, He yielded up His life.  And like some of those in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk, uneaten. "

Two students helped Steve up off the floor and to a seat, physically exhausted, but wearing a thin smile.

"Well done, good and faithful servant," said the professor, adding, "Not all sermons are
preached in words."

Turning to his class, the professor said, "My wish is that you might understand and fully comprehend all the riches of grace and mercy that have been given to you through the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He spared not His Only Begotten Son, but gave Him up for us all, for the whole Church, now and forever.  Whether or not we choose to accept His gift to us, the price has been paid."

"Wouldn't you be foolish and ungrateful to leave it lying on the desk?"

Share this with someone.

It's bound to touch their heart and demonstrate Salvation in a very special way.

  Please share this with others.  We are at a point where it is more important than ever to let the world know that the price has been paid in full, they just need to accept the gift.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

No promises of laughter without tears, a Mom job is bitter sweet

  I have heard so many terrible things these past few weeks from tornadoes and flooding to my nieces father being arrested.  Death and Destruction.  I have received blessings and I have been allowed to be a blessing.  God still reigns even in what seems to be the darkest times in our lives.  In these dark times is when true Christians need to take a stand and show how God still is in charge. But how can a mother comfort and protect her babies from things like this?

 God didn't promise us laughter without tears, sunshine without rain, good times without bad...what He did promise us is the strength ( through Him) to get through the dark times. But the good news is God is in control.  He is the potter and we are His clay.  God decides what is to become of us and when He is finished with His work on  us. 

  I am so grateful that God isn't finished with me yet.  I see how much work He has already put into me, if only I could see me the way He sees me.  As a young Christian, there has been much change in me as a person and a mother.  I see the error of my ways with my children and the examples ( good and bad) I have set forth.  I thank my Heavenly Father that he made children so resistant to some of our poor choices and no permanent damage is done to them.

  As mothers, we are the lighthouse in the storm for our kids.  We are the constant that they can return to in any situation.  We love our children, not matter what comes their way, and maybe sometimes interfere too much to try keeping  them from making our mistakes.  We have to give them a soft place to land or maybe a swift kick in the tail when warranted.  We are their fierce protectors when this world gives them a bad deal, and yet some times we just have to let them figure things out on their own.  But to do our job correctly, we have to know what God has instructed us to do with this all important job He has given us. 

 We are to teach our children the ways of God at young ages so it is instilled in them through out their lives.  We can't keep them from rebelling, and trying things out on their own...but we know that, they know of God and His love.  ( Spoken from experience as a rebellious young adult )  The seed of God was instilled in me at an early age, I had tried the ways of this world but it wasn't filling the void.   I pray that my children don't go looking to fill that void, and keep God in their heart so the void is never there.  God is the only protector, we are mere guides, as mothers, to God.  I am so blessed, as I travel down this new path,to have examples of s Godly mothers to show me the ways; to help me teach my children to crave riches in Heaven and not crave all of the material wants of this world and to instill God's truth in them. 

  If we, mother's, do not instill this in our young ones, we will lose them and many generations to come.  How will they know to teach it to their children and grandchildren.  God has given us a job to do with the benefit of love that comes with it.  This world has such a solid grip on our kids already, with the schools kicking God out, changing the way and what  they teach our youngest ones that goes against what most of us believe in.  Our job is getting so much harder. 

  There won't be laughter without some tears, sunshine without some rain, but God is in control.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 I was thinking back to my childhood and going to that small country church half way around the hill  from my house.  My dad's family was raised in that church, and everyone knew me and half the cemetery across the street was kin folk, even my mom is there now. I loved going to church, but as I reflect on it now....Was this a country girl's way of getting to hang out with people?  I walked the aisle to the alter there as a young child during Bible School; then I grew up and totally forgot about that walk and what it meant.  When my parents gave me the option to stay home or go to church about the time of my senior year.....I chose FOOTBALL, if that option would have come during another sport season it would have been church.
  Fast forwarding to my adult life about 9 years ago exactly, now divorced with a child, remarried and expecting another one, I wanted to change my mind, football wasn't my answer anymore.  I needed something more.  So, I started looking for a church to call mine.  I was living in Florida at the time and went to one of the local Baptist churches there, where my husband's family would sometimes go....I was felt so welcomed as I was introduced and with the family....but Mother's Day came, my husband was back in Georgia, where he was working, and I, my son, and my very pregnant belly went to the service....I was crushed....where was that warm welcome I got when I was with the people they knew? It's Mother's Day....all the mothers were given flowers, but me.  Everyone was greeted with a handshake or a smile, not me.  I sat through the service and listened with a saddened heart....not because I felt so mistreated but, this is supposed to be the house of God...where is the love....I am so glad that I am not a person in dire need of finding God, I wouldn't find him here.  SO.... I didn't go back but 2 more times with family.  Now Sundays are for NASCAR at this point.
  Fast forward to 3 years ago....we walked in Mt Gilead Baptist Church in Dothan, AL.  There is love all around, you physically feel it.  They didn't know who we are and once they introduced themselves, you're  their family. God does live here.  To shorten this story, I walked the aisle that very next Easter Sunday  , for the real time and totally gave myself to Him.  I had given myself to Him before Christmas but not totally...I was too proud to totally  humble myself in front of so many people...but, I'll save that story for another day.

 Just because the building has a steeple, doesn't mean it's God's house...and just because you walked the aisle, doesn't mean you are saved.  You have to confess your sin, turn away from sin ( repent), and proclaim Him as your Savior .  Doesn't mean that you won't sin again...just means you won't go to Hell for sinning and you continually are working on that "not sinning part" and always seem to be confessing.

  Now Sunday's are for CHURCH then NASCAR, maybe that is why God provided us with DVRs to get more NASCAR  and FOOTBALL fan's to come visit HIM.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A can to the head could be a message from God

  Wow, packed house at Mt Gilead Baptist in Dothan, AL, and Brother Bradley was right on the money again this week.  He demonstrated how God crushed Jesus to be our scapegoat and our sacrifice.  He crushed a pop/soda/coke can ( as politically correct as I get) to show then stomped it flat and kicked it....Just as God had done to Jesus on that cross.  When he kicked it, my husband had a sudden thought...what if it hits me in the head.  When he shared that with me, I told him it wouldn't from Bro. Bradley, it would be a message from God.
  Why do we need to be hit upside the head to get God's messages?  In our house, we call those 2X4 moments....because we are so hard headed, that God needs to take one upside our heads sometimes.  I have a real problem of waiting for God, I see/need something, I pray about it, then I go blindly into the situation, and not wait on God to respond.  In reality, I am telling God that I don't trust you to fix or take care of the situation.   I think about when my son or daughter asks for help and then proceeds to go on with out my direction...I get so frustrated and wonder why they bothered me with it in the first place....I wonder if that is how God feels with me...I have been getting a little better with not stressing out over situations that don't go how I planned it to go.  I use that as a hint from the Holy Spirit to pray, and it works.  When I feel the need to go out on my own again...I pray again.  I still struggle, but pray more often, and hopefully I am not making a mess of what God had in mind for me.  Thankfully, God has a plan for me and a rework to bring me back to the blessing He intended for me.  He made me and knew exactly how I would handle problems and exactly how long it will take me to figure out that I have messed it up entirely. He may actually get so frustrated that He sends a kicked can at my head, and it would be a blessing. 

 So, thanks to God, my husband did not take a crushed soft drink can to the head in church this morning, and I have not had to have too many 2X4s lately.  I feel like the extra talks with my Father is paying off, because, I feel more at peace now then I did before the constant time in prayer.

 Thank you, Jesus, for taking my punishment and providing me a relationship with your, and now my, Father.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Reflections from Good Friday

  I have been reflecting on what Good Friday means.  I still tear up thinking that Jesus had to die for our sins, carry that load alone and suffer as God had turned his head during all this.   I had added so much to that burden.  I was/am an expert at sinning.  Look at the list of the 10 commandments....I can check off every one of those.  Nothing to be proud of, and yet I thought I was still a good person.  If someone was to tell me differently, I could have argued my point tirelessly.  What I didn't realize, Satan is the best deceiver out there...I always said...if you going to do something, do it right.

  Good Friday, the day we observe that Jesus was crucified.  He was without sin so that he could take the place of us for our punishment.  We deserved that beating and hanging and so much more.   He was betrayed by his closest followers, and knew all along they would do what they did, and even told His followers that they would. I still to this day can not understand that kind of love.  I question myself...would I die for Jesus, if I had a way out?  I would love to know with 100% certainty that I would...but would I? I know that if  I was to be asked if I am a Christian or told to renounce Him as Lord,  that  I could stand up for Him.  I am pretty hard headed and hold my ground..I can be defiant when told to do or say something I don't believe is right...but would I be doing it to glorify God or just being me?