Tuesday, May 17, 2011

At the feet of Jesus....

 One day Jesus is coming back, as much as I  look forward to it, I am nervous.  Have I done enough to please Him?  I know that when I laid my sins down at the cross, I was forgiven, but I am still in for a judgment day.  As Christians are called up,we are held accountable, not for our sins, but,  for the gifts that God has given us here on earth.  You know, like what did we do with our time, money, opportunities and special talents that God bestowed up on us to further His Kingdom with eternal things. 

  I have been re-listening to a cd given to me by my Sunday School teachers, called the BEMA SEAT, a fictional, but pretty theological correct when compared to the Bible, story.  It so strikes a nerve in me.  I am so ashamed that maybe I haven't done enough.  After all that Jesus had given to  me (us) and knowing  that I will have to face Him and answer for my lack of useful utilization of all He has given me. 

  I can't imagine what sadness I would feel if any of my efforts we're worthless in my eternal  account of treasures, for you see, Jesus sees the heart of the matter, our motivation behind what we are doing.  With impure motivation, deeds will not counted  when Jesus burns out the impurities.  I feel like I need to clear something up before I go on....Salvation is not based on works, but works are a fruit of Salvation.  I can't imagine looking in to our Savior's eyes and not getting a   " Well done, my good and faithful servant".  I know that there are going to be crowns given as rewards also, and our glorified body will glow like the stars, the brightness depends on the work we did to grow and strengthen His Kingdom.

 I know there is much more improvement that I need to work on, but I am so thankful that praying for others is just as important to Him as going on mission trips, that supporting mission trips financially is just as much as working in the Kingdom as being in the field myself.  I am so blessed that I am able to financially support different ministries when I can, to donate to food banks, donate to the Red Cross,or help out a neighbor in need.  This, if done in the right frame of heart, stores our riches in Heaven.  

 We all need reminders that our home is not here on Earth....this is just temporary.  We need to be more concerned about our eternal home, than filling our earthly homes with stuff.. I am not saying God doesn't want us to have nice things or a nice home, but that isn't the main reason we are given the abundance we have received.  If we can't handle a little bit, how can God trust us to manage more. 

 One of the things I do to keep myself in check with my stewardship of time, money or activities.....I ask myself, would I want to be doing this if Jesus came right now?  If it is a wasteful use of resource, I go find something else....or I ask myself....Is this glorifying God?  Even with our tv viewing...is this something that strengthens  my bond with God, or makes a small rip in the relationship...We are to glorify God in all we do....in public and in personal time.

 We are all called to do different jobs for our Savior.  Not all of us are called to suffer, not all of us are called to the field,  but we are all called to do something.  Actions speak louder than words and it just maybe we are to be an example through our living to show a difference in a repented life versus and non-repented life.

  I find I am  so hard on myself;  trying to be an example for others, since I am still learning His way myself.  I struggle with knowing  that I have made a public proclamation that I am saved and others have put high expectations on me, not understanding that I am still a sinner by nature and I will still continue to sin until I am taken to Heaven.  I worry that I will tarnish my testimony of how the Grace of God saved me thru the cross, not by my actions and changes in lifestyle. The last thing I want to be is someone who hinders a lost person's way to salvation through my actions.  But scripture reassures me that those who are going to be saved will be, and those who will not be, it won't make a difference.   The Holy Spirit is responsible for the conversion, I am responsible to spread the word of the gospel. 

 Thank you God, for allowing me to still make poor choices and yet, still be saved....sanctification process is just that, a process and not an overnight remedy.  And my job is to continually work towards being sinless and helping others to desire that as well, whether through prayer, helping support missions financially or being in the field or just being a good example to my neighbor. I want to earn my reward of "Well done, My good and faithful servant" and I want to earn my crown to lay at the feet of Jesus.
     Just a side note:  if you are reading this you are already being prayed for,,,,,,    I am looking forward to the day when we all get to Heaven and gather at the feet of Jesus  

  ** if anyone wants a copy of this cd email me your address and I will get one to you.**

       You have left your fist love but remember...Your First Love NEVER left you

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