Sunday, May 8, 2011

No promises of laughter without tears, a Mom job is bitter sweet

  I have heard so many terrible things these past few weeks from tornadoes and flooding to my nieces father being arrested.  Death and Destruction.  I have received blessings and I have been allowed to be a blessing.  God still reigns even in what seems to be the darkest times in our lives.  In these dark times is when true Christians need to take a stand and show how God still is in charge. But how can a mother comfort and protect her babies from things like this?

 God didn't promise us laughter without tears, sunshine without rain, good times without bad...what He did promise us is the strength ( through Him) to get through the dark times. But the good news is God is in control.  He is the potter and we are His clay.  God decides what is to become of us and when He is finished with His work on  us. 

  I am so grateful that God isn't finished with me yet.  I see how much work He has already put into me, if only I could see me the way He sees me.  As a young Christian, there has been much change in me as a person and a mother.  I see the error of my ways with my children and the examples ( good and bad) I have set forth.  I thank my Heavenly Father that he made children so resistant to some of our poor choices and no permanent damage is done to them.

  As mothers, we are the lighthouse in the storm for our kids.  We are the constant that they can return to in any situation.  We love our children, not matter what comes their way, and maybe sometimes interfere too much to try keeping  them from making our mistakes.  We have to give them a soft place to land or maybe a swift kick in the tail when warranted.  We are their fierce protectors when this world gives them a bad deal, and yet some times we just have to let them figure things out on their own.  But to do our job correctly, we have to know what God has instructed us to do with this all important job He has given us. 

 We are to teach our children the ways of God at young ages so it is instilled in them through out their lives.  We can't keep them from rebelling, and trying things out on their own...but we know that, they know of God and His love.  ( Spoken from experience as a rebellious young adult )  The seed of God was instilled in me at an early age, I had tried the ways of this world but it wasn't filling the void.   I pray that my children don't go looking to fill that void, and keep God in their heart so the void is never there.  God is the only protector, we are mere guides, as mothers, to God.  I am so blessed, as I travel down this new path,to have examples of s Godly mothers to show me the ways; to help me teach my children to crave riches in Heaven and not crave all of the material wants of this world and to instill God's truth in them. 

  If we, mother's, do not instill this in our young ones, we will lose them and many generations to come.  How will they know to teach it to their children and grandchildren.  God has given us a job to do with the benefit of love that comes with it.  This world has such a solid grip on our kids already, with the schools kicking God out, changing the way and what  they teach our youngest ones that goes against what most of us believe in.  Our job is getting so much harder. 

  There won't be laughter without some tears, sunshine without some rain, but God is in control.

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