Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 I was thinking back to my childhood and going to that small country church half way around the hill  from my house.  My dad's family was raised in that church, and everyone knew me and half the cemetery across the street was kin folk, even my mom is there now. I loved going to church, but as I reflect on it now....Was this a country girl's way of getting to hang out with people?  I walked the aisle to the alter there as a young child during Bible School; then I grew up and totally forgot about that walk and what it meant.  When my parents gave me the option to stay home or go to church about the time of my senior year.....I chose FOOTBALL, if that option would have come during another sport season it would have been church.
  Fast forwarding to my adult life about 9 years ago exactly, now divorced with a child, remarried and expecting another one, I wanted to change my mind, football wasn't my answer anymore.  I needed something more.  So, I started looking for a church to call mine.  I was living in Florida at the time and went to one of the local Baptist churches there, where my husband's family would sometimes go....I was felt so welcomed as I was introduced and with the family....but Mother's Day came, my husband was back in Georgia, where he was working, and I, my son, and my very pregnant belly went to the service....I was crushed....where was that warm welcome I got when I was with the people they knew? It's Mother's Day....all the mothers were given flowers, but me.  Everyone was greeted with a handshake or a smile, not me.  I sat through the service and listened with a saddened heart....not because I felt so mistreated but, this is supposed to be the house of God...where is the love....I am so glad that I am not a person in dire need of finding God, I wouldn't find him here.  SO.... I didn't go back but 2 more times with family.  Now Sundays are for NASCAR at this point.
  Fast forward to 3 years ago....we walked in Mt Gilead Baptist Church in Dothan, AL.  There is love all around, you physically feel it.  They didn't know who we are and once they introduced themselves, you're  their family. God does live here.  To shorten this story, I walked the aisle that very next Easter Sunday  , for the real time and totally gave myself to Him.  I had given myself to Him before Christmas but not totally...I was too proud to totally  humble myself in front of so many people...but, I'll save that story for another day.

 Just because the building has a steeple, doesn't mean it's God's house...and just because you walked the aisle, doesn't mean you are saved.  You have to confess your sin, turn away from sin ( repent), and proclaim Him as your Savior .  Doesn't mean that you won't sin again...just means you won't go to Hell for sinning and you continually are working on that "not sinning part" and always seem to be confessing.

  Now Sunday's are for CHURCH then NASCAR, maybe that is why God provided us with DVRs to get more NASCAR  and FOOTBALL fan's to come visit HIM.

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