Sunday, September 16, 2012

 Peak 313 Fitness Challenge Update

  This has a been a week that I can only explain as God inspired.   I started the fitness challenge where I like to say " where the physical meets the spiritual."  I have confessed before, that I don't like to exercise and I have be negligent on scripture memorization.  I could generalize what the chapter was saying, give you an estimate about where it was found and maybe who wrote the book.  

 Sunday, we printed out our weekly Monday evening I had my verse down somewhat...still exchanging a few of the verb, but same meaning :   Ecclesiastes 4:12 " Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken".  Tuesday I was reciting it pretty accurately all day, even when quizzed impromptu by my daughter.  Wednesday, I was sharing it with anyone who would listen.  By Thursday, I was catching myself reciting it thru the hard spots in my exercising..  without meaning too.

 I also got to share this verse with a friend who is going thru a very hard time right now....we are in this together just like our verse says....interwoven with our Heavenly Father, we will together get through the hard stuff.  It seemed that I got to share that will a few people now that I reflect....but that is for another post ( that will be coming).   

 The exercise portion, well lets just say....I LOVED IT!  I even did a 5th day.... in my heart I was doing it for my flesh, it was because I wasn't supposed to go 3 days without exercising and I just planned poorly.  I had gotten on to the  website and was doing the suggested exercises and also found some more that was just fun to it really exercise if it is fun?  I will ponder that after the challenge.  My 10 year old daughter even joined along.   We did our 25 minutes, but then the craziest thing happened....We did more exercising!!  No kidding...we did.  We had so much fun with Clare's videos and tried most of them, the next night we did our favorites.  We even got out the Wii and did the fitness games.  Crazy! I know!  for people that don't like to exercise.

 That is what I mean about God inspired.  I have asked Him to help rebuild His temple in me...the way He planned it.   I still am having to show some faith in Him, because as I have been losing weight up until this point....I have hit a plateau in the dropping  of weight this week.  The counselor at the weight loss clinic said it may be due to the exercising and extra water going to the torn fibers from the workout....which would explain why I am so thirsty this increase more water to try to flush out the excess retention of water.  My faith is in You Lord....I will stick to the advise of those you put in my path and achieve Your will.  I haven't  gained much weight, just not shedding any right now, and my diet hasn't changed...still on the program.  I know that there will be a wonderful reward for the following thru of this challenge and sticking to the diet plan.  It will be for His Glory, for I can do nothing on my own like this...for I would choose not to.

 I honestly feel better, physically, spiritually, and surprising even mentally.  I am so looking forward to the next week., just to do it again.  There will be more of a time availability challenged this next week...but God will prevail, and give me the time to honor Him.  I will keep my focus on the goal...rebuilding the temple to honor my Father, keep another verse in my heart, and help my daughter develop a better spiritual and physical fitness with me.

  Dear Father, Thank you for this day! Thank you for this week!  Thank you for allowing me to have the struggles in life that I have had, so that I may use them to Glorify You.  I thank You for using me to help explain the gospel  this week.  I give you all the Glory and Honor Lord that I can, though it will never be enough to fully give You what you deserve.   Thank you Father,  In Jesus Name I am Yours

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