Thursday, October 4, 2012


 My goals not met

  Today is the day that I was trying to be another pant size down and it didn't happen....even with the extra effort of exercising.  At first I was a little down because, even with the hard work and staying consistent on my diet plan and hard work should have paid off.

 I was gently reminded that I need to hold my head up...maybe God had another goal in His plan set for me than my size reduction....maybe it was a size increase.  The increase was the size of my faith in God.   I had given Him this project of reconstructing His temple in me.  I am elated with His progress in me.

  I first was feeling the pang of discouragement by hitting a plateau in my weight loss; which is lasting way too long for me. I kept seeing that I have 30 more pounds I would like to lose.  What I didn't see was all the positives going in this process.  I didn't gain any weight back and I realized that I wasn't failing at weight loss...I was winning the battle of not throwing in the towel.  I really do not like to exercise, but the videos I have moving along with at has really been fun...and  I have been able to stick with it for 4 weeks so far (1 more week to go for the challenge.)   That is another win!  I feel so much better physically and mentally,  that is the bonus prize in my book.  

 God is doing a magnificent work in me, and I was only focused on what hasn't been happening.  This is a serious WOW GOD! moment for me.  I am my own worst enemy.  

  I try to always remember that it is in God's time and not mine....but I struggle with this when I want something too much.  I am so blessed that I have God living within me.  I get these loving reminders if I be still and listen.  He has put some wonderful cheerleaders in my path, some that were so unexpected but very much cherished.  

 I got on the scale this morning and I am so happy to report that the scale has shown me 4 pounds down since last Friday....God is so good!  I have an official weight in this afternoon.   Hopefully, after I get back from my trip I will have a couple of before (July 17) and after ( 8 weeks) pictures to post to show His wonderful physical rebuilding.  I can't wait to see the finished product.

 The hardest thing, so far, has been the scripture memorization.  Last weeks verse " For everything in the world- the cravings of a sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does- comes not from the Father but the world. 1 John 2:16; still is giving me problems.  I can memorize it, recite it...but it doesn't want to stay....I do believe I should make this my verse of the make it be part of me.  I am so convicted by this verse.   

  Father, thank You for you loving reminders.  Thank you for revealing Your answer to my prayers.  You have Your reasons for my struggle as I learn from these challenges.  I know you care about my physical condition, buy it is my heart condition You seem to be focusing on now.   I love knowing that Your plan is perfect. I pray that I adopt Your plan and my plan and continue to honor you with all I do.   Please bless all those that read this, as they are struggling too. 

  UPDATE FROM TODAY'S WEIGHT IN:  I have lost at total of 24 pounds and 33.1/2 inches since July 17th, 2012.   One more pound and I will be half way to my goal.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through peak313 and am looking forward to following your journey. What a great post, I too, often want things to happen in my timing and only focus on what's not happening instead of what God is doing in my life. What a great reminder that He is in control! Congrats on you weight loss!
