Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To see our Worship through God's eyes.

 I truly get excited when I  am moved to pray for someone and I get a response back from that person saying " I am feeling eerily calm this morning".   That is how I started my Monday out.  

  I can't tell how many times I get to hear that I knew the right thing to say at the right time, "I was just thinking about you", or even "How did you know I needed to hear that today?"  My answer is usually always the same... I didn't.   I just go on the feeling or I see some thing that makes me think of that individual and I need to share it. 

 Obedience in the small things could be a really big thing to someone else.   I am not planting churches, going on missionary trips or even attending church every time the door is opened ( though I wish I could).  I can still serve God by doing what the Holy Spirit prompts me too.   I can still be a light to his mercy and grace, I can be a prayer warrior for those who I know have needs.

 I am not a word smith by any means, my prayers aren't pretty, but they are heart felt.    I do struggle with comparing myself to my other brothers and sisters in Christ.  I am no where close to looking like what a "Christian" should look like in my mind.  BUT on these occasions where God shows me he is answering my prayers, He is giving me encouragement each time that I am doing what HE wants me to do.  I am present in His spirit and He is talking to me.  

 God knows my struggles...we talk about them daily.  He sees me seeking him, guiding my children, and crying out to him.   I sometimes am rewarded by my soul worshiping before my physical body even wakes up.  I find myself singing praises all day long and have outstanding days.  On trouble nights, I pray myself to sleep.  I ask to lay at his feet and just ramble like a child with her father, those my friends are the best nights of sleep I get. 

 I have to remember that my relationship with my Heavenly Father is mine and will not look like anyone else's.  My quiet, intimate moments with God are something I cherish.  My children are not perfect and I love them as if they were. God loves his children the same.  My relationship with each of my kids is different yet still each is just as special.  Time with them no matter how much or how little is always special.   

 Sometimes, I listen to the congregation on Sunday mornings and just imagine how these off key voices sound to God.  I am pretty sure that they are the most amazing sounds when added to the rest of the world worshiping at the same time.   IF only we could hear and see the bigger picture.  

 I hope my thoughts will encourage someone to have their first talk with God, or even their 50th talk for the day.  Or maybe open your heart as to how your "Hey, how ya doing?" comments may be God's way to talking to others.  We need to pray for each other, ourselves.  Prayer strengthens our relationship with God, just like chatting with your friends helps that relationship strengthen.   Prayer also will help us understand our time in the Bible.  It will be revealed to your as your grow in Christ.

 It is a relationship not a religion.

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