Thursday, June 16, 2011

Even in the storms God is still with us

  With all the destruction in these beautiful southern states, God is still here.  He has shown us a small sample of His wrath toward sin in this world.   He uses tragedies to bring his creation closer to Him.  It is so hard to see that in the middle of the storm that beauty that lies ahead.

    I can't imagine the terror that went  through the minds of those in the tornadoes, but on judgment day , some of those people are going to long for just that small amount of terror...on Earth they can cry out to God for His mercy, but once sent  to hell, there is no chance of Mercy or the presence of God.

 Once, I struggled with how God can seem to be so cruel with such horrible deaths, those poor children.  But as the Bible tells us...He is the potter and we are the clay, it is up to Him what He does with us.  With that understand, and having had attempted to do a pottery project and trashing it many times....I understand now.  I have caught myself saying to my kids Bill Cosby's line..." I brought you into this world, I can take you out"  when in reality, it is God's line.

  Our county was based on a foundation of " One nation under God"  because " we are the home of the brave".  Our founding fathers knew how important it is to keep God as our Governor, they gave their lives for it...that is why we are one blessed nation.  As our "leaders" pull God out of everything and are trying to rewrite our history, we have to pray for mercy.  We need to pray to our Sovereign  Lord to change hearts of the enemy, that we, Americans, want Him in our schools, government and homes.  But it has to start a home, teach our children the ways of God or we will lose them to the new teachings of the world.  Once we lose our children, their children will  be lost also and many generations to come.

    I started this post  in May, after the destruction in  northern Alabama and got too busy to finish the drought has started to effect us and our business.  By the Grace of God and a persistent Holy Spirit, I am able to look at our dead grazing and KNOW that God is in control.  I, for once, am not worried where the money will come from to feed the livestock or if we will be able to find a source to buy hay.  We are just in charge of taking care of the animals. They, like us, belong to God and he will provide for all of creation, if it is His will.  

 The Lord has shown me a number of times that in what seems like the worst of times, if I look toward Him, I will be lead out to even better times.  I believe it is Casting Crowns that have the song " What If His People Prayed", that is exactly what needs to be going on right now.   Lord we need you, now!  We need you to change the hearts of people.

         Hell is real.  Heaven is real  and we can't get to Heaven by being "good".   The only way is through Jesus Christ, when we confess our sin, turn away from sinning and believe that He is the only redeemer.  We need to put God first; before this mess our country is in can even begin to get cleaned up; if we don't, these great states are doomed.  How can the USA help clean up other countries when our government is so corrupt  and Anti-God.  We can't clean up our country until we start with our homes.  If one child makes a difference, imagine what a family can do.  We know for a fact one child made a difference that has effected all eternity...Jesus:  he died for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. This is a little "all over the place" but I was lead to post it. I would have still saved it as a draft and re worked it, but felt that I had to post it as is, before I took something out that was meant to be read by someone. God is so Great and He alone knows our hearts. I hope this can be used to help heal someone and bring them closer to our Lord and Savior.
